Awareness Brings Manifestation

Oct 21, 2019

This audio was excerpted from the latest webinar in the "Awaken to Source Mastermind." CLICK HERE to join the Mastermind and get in on the fun!

Joseph: We are fully present. Of course, we're here just as an answer to the energy. You are indeed calling us forth you are, through your words, through your thoughts, through your intentions, asking for the next step and we're here to walk you through that process because there is always a greater unfolding for you.

There is always a next step, there is always a new idea. There is always inspiration that is going to continue to call you forward and so the foundation of making that connection is yes having an awareness of it, but also placing that intent. When you place the intention, that energy starts to flow in and it's going to reveal to you all of the places that you have been building within yourself - mostly unintentionally - but those places that have been buffering away that process and so we're just here to help you recognize, to release, to allow that process to continue to unfold.

As we're here talking to you, we want you to start to listen in - not only to the words - but also to the inner energy because having that clear awareness bring everything into fruition. Our question is as we are speaking and as you're breathing, and as you're relaxing and allowing that energy to gain momentum:

Do you have that awareness?

Marilyn: Yes, I I would like to talk a little bit about awareness of the energy because I have tuned into it in sort of an intentional way, as you were talking about Joseph, and that intention has been to just have that feeling of peace, to have that feeling of relaxation, that feeling of ease and as I tune in and connect with the energy my inner energy, I recognize that peace now and I recognize that ease.

And it has become more my go-to kind of place and as a result my perspective on many many, things shifts. When something comes up like last Friday when I got a call that said, "you know, well you didn't provide this information and therefore you may not get your refinance loan" etcetera, etcetera, you know I could have gone into "oh my gosh, you know, what's wrong with me?

Why can't I do you know," I did not. I tried to, I focus myself in a way to just go into meditation and breathe and feel the energy. And everything has worked out perfectly. Perfectly, beautifully just wonderfully in so many ways and just as a result of that, it's sort of intensified the energy sort of like, you know, I could feel it in the results, but then I could also feel it in other aspects.

So yeah that intention of being with the energy opening up. Feeling it has really brought some wonderful, wonderful things that I've wanted this past week.

Joseph: And so that appreciation of that tension, recognizing that it's calling forth a solution then allows that to come to fruition. So when you think of a slingshot and you're pulling it back, and you're pulling it back, and you're pulling it back - when you gain the momentum and  it becomes intolerable, then you release the tension and you're catapulted and that's the momentum that you felt go forward.

Marilyn: Yeah, it's really been powerful and more and more. I feel in almost a way kind of upliftment hard to describe in words, but I see things like maybe a little bit more sparkly in life, like things just feel a little bit more joyful.

Joseph: It is your inner energy. It is that inner self being part of your experience.

Marilyn: I love it. I absolutely love it. And thank you.

Joseph: Indeed. So you have both parts. In other words, some people come into this looking for the spiritual connection. Some people come into this looking for specific manifestations and you have the best of both worlds through that decision.

Marilyn: It really is about the moment of now being in the energy because that foundation, that place allows so much more to sort of expand.

It's not about - and I have done this -  I'm doing this because I want to get something. I'm doing this work because I want to you know, I want to control a condition and I've realized I've let that go now. It's yes, I have desires and I appreciate my desires, but it's sort of like the journey maybe to get to the desires - now I want to involve this energy in that journey because it makes it so much better.

Joseph: Indeed.

Marilyn: Thank you.

Joseph: Very much. And we have  a fresh face here. Yes? New new energy. Of course, you've been interacting with us for a while. Can you feel the energy starting to move?

Pamela: I'm definitely feeling the energy. But I'm also seeing how I've tried to control things my whole life and that's not been helpful at all.

Joseph: Not so much. But it is helpful -

Pamela: I want a good foundation.

Joseph: And you have one. It's that energy and so it is for you continuing to orient yourself into the place where you don't have to control it.

Not that once you let go of control, everything's going to go crazy. That's not what we're saying. What we're saying is, when you find that balance and that center point - which is the same with this energy - you're recognizing, you're registering that energy through the center point. Then everything else that's important to that process clicks into place and everything that is not important to that or does not resonate with that falls away.

And so it is to accept that, but then it's also to live it and that's the process that we talked on and on and on and on and on about is: you have within you plenty of expectations, plenty of beliefs, plenty of experiences, that are reinforced by that feeling of an impulse or a need to have things go a certain way.

And of course if you see things as cause and effect in the physical sense, if you see things in the sense that you have to move something from A to B in order to get it done, well that would seem logical and that would seem like the process that would lead you to your next steps, but we want to ask you: how is that been unfolding?

How does that feel?

Pamela: I'm going to go back to Marilyn on that one. I got it from her when she said that. I definitely got that and that's another thing I'm realizing that I've been going about not in the most beneficial way for me.

Joseph: And so we're going to turn conventional wisdom on its head in many senses with this approach.

But what you'll find is not only do you feel great. Not only do you feel that relief, not only do you feel that consistent awareness and that consistent connection, but then everything that comes to you matches that feeling and that's how this process works!

When you put your priority on to the emotional movement, which means the energetic movement, well, you can get more and more detailed and more and more refined in your personal relationship to that and that's what this is really all about. But then what always comes from that is it ripples out into your life experience and shows itself back to you.

That is why people talk about the Law of Attraction, that is what all of that really means is going through that energetic journey within the self and we are here to guide along that energetic Journey.

Pamela: Thank you.

Joseph: Very much so.

Marilyn: Joseph your guidance has brought me to a place where I feel very comfortable and connected with my inner energy and with a sense of sort of my own creative expression, where I now recognize that my choice to live in connection with Source with  is always going to bring me to a place of joy.

Not that I wouldn't have challenges in my life, but that, you know things will work out for the best and I firmly trust and believe that and I would like to, I would like to create like bigger or more - not in the sense of bigger like, you know grandiose - but in the sense of like really getting into a flow of you know, touching other people's lives in a positive way with this.

What do you suggest as a practice, or a way of speaking with myself about that?

Joseph: Well, what would ask you before you embark on that journey is can you focus upon that desire and still feel energized or does it feel frustrating? Does it feel uncomfortable? Does it feel like maybe I don't know what's going to come next?

Marilyn: It feels wide open in a way. There are a lot of different avenues I suppose. There are a lot of different ideas, possibilities, potential and that's what I feel I feel that. I feel that.

Joseph: That's that's the platform we want you to be out before you start specifically creating because if you don't think that it's possible and then you're trying to do all sorts of things to make it work, you're just reinforcing the fact that it isn't working.

All of your action is being taken from the place that you don't think it's possible and so the action just serves to reinforce your disbelief or your doubt in that outcome. But what you're saying is that you've taken the energetic journey and you've gotten to the place where you can think, and your mind is allowed to expand.

That's when you put the focus in it. That's when you put the energy into it. That's when you put the emphasis. That's when you create a vision board. That's when you focus upon it because every time you focus upon it, you're adding another thought and you can think of it almost like a piggy bank.

Where you have this desire, and your energy is free flowing. So every time you think about that desire, you're putting another little quarter in the piggy bank and putting another little quarter in the piggy bank. You're putting in a little quarter in the piggy bank until it is completely full and that's the tipping point where physical manifestation is allowed to fully come in.

You can also think of it as tipping the scales. If you're putting a little here, you're putting a little here, you're putting a little here until it gets to the point where physical manifestation is allowed to come into fruition, but you always have to gauge it. You always have to pay attention to your personal process, checking in with a self saying to yourself.

"How does it feel?"

Marilyn: Asking for assistance, like from you or from my guides, and my inner being to kind of let that flow in a way is an intention that then - I suppose it's a creative intention that would manifest, right? I mean that's like of course it is right?

Joseph: Because you're in that energy and what happens anytime you're dwelling in and energy? You're going to have more thoughts like it, you're going to have more ideas like it, you're going to have more inspiration more impulses like it and you're going to have more physical manifestations just like it.